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International voiceover work is massive, and that is an exciting concept. When we do not need to physically be with the people we share the credit screen with, this opens up opportunities for all types of wonderful things. Here is an example, being able to record from home with anyone all over the world. In this article, we won’t be going through the connectivity software used to make this wonderful experience happen. Instead, we will look at what you must do to work internationally. The primary focus of this will be voice actors outside of America working in the American voiceover market.

American Company Hiring Foreign Voiceover Work

What the legal requirements on their side are will be fairly redundant to you. The important thing to know is that companies cast outside of America all the time. The hot trend at the moment is the ‘genuine’ voice. Meaning, if they need a Spanish-speaking African who was raised in Russia, then they will look to find one. Often, when approaching clients, they will tell you that you need a visa. This is simply not true, but we will come on to that a bit later. As you learn what is required for yourself to work, you will then be able to support and educate clients who are a bit newer to working intentionally with voice actors.

Your Responsibility

If you are not an American resident and you want to work with an American company, you will often be asked to complete a W8 BEN form. This is commonly requested by companies, casting directors, and agents on a regular basis. It might be a good idea for you to download the W8 BEN form and have it as a resource on your own website too. Get familiar with the form quickly, as it will come up a lot.  It will also come in handy to have it close by with convenient access. Further, since it is a bit of a confusing form, it is best to get good at completing it now. The final thing about paperwork is that depending on what you are doing, you may get variations of this particular form/document, but they are never too far away from the original.

When Do You Need a Visa for International Work?

This is a question that plagues everyone’s mind. Truth is, you don’t even need a visa for international work, provided you are in your country working on their project. If you are in India and purchase something from an American vendor, there is no issue. On the same front, if an American company purchases something from you, the same rule applies – no problem. However, if you are in America and you want to work in America and you have no ‘right to work’ for the country of America, in this instance you would need a visa. Basically, you can work with anyone in America from your country, but when you come to America, it is a different story.

International Voiceover Work Summary

So there you have it. You now know what you can do from your country when you need a visa. Also, on what paperwork to expect along the way. Additionally, you have a heads-up on what to do if a company thinks they cannot work with you due to being outside of the United States. So, until then, continue perfecting your craft, work hard, network, and make friends daily.


International Voiceover Work by Alan Shires